A Farewell to “Maggie”
Paula’s Farwell People fell in love with Maggie’s big brown eyes, they held such compassion. People with therapy dogs always felt comfortable introducing their therapy dogs to Maggie. The dogs could sniff at her, and she would stand perfectly still. Maggie brought lots of joy and comfort to so many people. She taught children how to show respect for animals. She visited nursing homes, libraries, schools, malls, stores and walked along the lakeshore, always spreading joy and comfort. Maggie is missed here at Rocky Run Stables. She unselfishly gave so...
Read MoreJanuary 23, 2018
Outreach Visit to UMD Kirby Student Center 11:00AM-1:00PM This was a PAWS Event. PAWS stands for PET AWAY STRESS. Pat Castellano, the Pet Partners test evaluator sent Beth and me an email asking us to come to this event. We were thrilled to accept the invitation. We took Gracie and Maggie on their first outing as registered therapy minis. Beth was the handler for Gracie. I was the handler for Maggie. Our job was to relieve the stress of students studying for their finals. Our day started at 7am to get the mini stalls cleaned. Then it was time to run the minis so they would release some...
Read MoreFebruary 21, 2018
February 21, 2018 Outreach Visit to UMD Kirby Student Center 11:00AM-1:00PM Beth and I were excited to be invited back to another UMD PAWS Event. A big snowstorm the day before did not stop us. It did however make it very slippery for Beth and I and the minis walking on the shady UMD sidewalks where the sun could not melt the ice. So once again I came early to help Beth clean stalls and get ranch work done. We needed to have the minis loaded and be off by 10:00AM. Things ran smoothly. We kept to our time schedule. We were worried a bit that the minis might be sore due to dental work Monday....
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